Sadu Heavensflame of the Dotharl

Sadu Heavensflame is a character from the FINAL FANTASY XIV story. You may wish to avoid reading further or RPing with this character if you want to avoid spoilers. I do keep an effort to avoid speaking on any spoilery stuff while in character, but that may not stop others from speaking about them near Sadu.

Sufficiently warned? Do you want to continue?

Sadu Heavensflame of the Dotharl

Disclaimers & Hooks

  • This is NPC RP, I will be playing Sadu as close to her written character as possible. This means relationships, romance, ERP, and events that could lead to her death are off the table. Such events could (or would) conflict with the current story.

  • While I do stay in character during dungeons, I do not consider them canon to any FFXIV world RP.

  • Because some people avoid NPC RP, (after all, my version of Sadu could be different from how someone else envisions her) I will only ever have Sadu approach someone if they have approached and RP'd with her first. Though you can send me a tell to let me know if you'd like her to walk up.

  • Being a fellow Dotharl is an easy in to start a conversation. Oronir and Buduga, expect to have your khan mocked. Mol will also find an easy in to start a conversation. However, most Xaela of the Steppe likely have plenty to speak of with Sadu.

  • War, either current or past, is likely a way to start a conversation as well. The Dotharl live for it and Sadu is no exception.

  • Are you a Dotharl looking to fight alongside Sadu? I'd love to queue up with 3-7 other Dotharl and take on various PvE content. If you are looking to treat such an event as canon, we may have to get picky with what we run however. A Dotharl FATE group upon the Steppe is also an easy solution.

  • Feel free to send me a tell to ask for RP even if my flag isn't up. I'm also happy to relocate if the current venue isn't to your liking. (Always happy to head towards the Azim Steppe.)

Still have questions? Send me a tell in game and ask away!

Sadu Heavensflame of the Dotharl

OOC Info

  • Please wait until we RP a few times before sending a friend request.

  • I will not be acknowledging anyone's character as the Warrior of Light in open world RP. It will easily start arguments or create contradictions.

  • Sadu can often be found at the Dotharl Khaa or around the Steppe for walk ups.

  • Please ask me if I want to be involved with your personal/FC plots before trying to make me a part of them.

  • I prefer Say/Emotes over Tell/Party RP. I am open to Party RP for events however.